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The Mission of St. Brendan's is to provide a place to worship for Episcopalians residing in the general populated suburban areas north of Juneau. We seek also to reach those who have no church affiliation and, in general, to provide for a wide range of community, spiritual, and social needs. 


At St. Brendan’s you will find:

A place to build your relationship with Jesus Christ
        Worship in the Episcopal tradition with contemporary language
A warm welcoming community
        Acceptance of many points of view
A tradition of learning and study
        Godly Play, a Montessori-based Church School program for kids
A handicapped accessible building
       An active program of outreach and community service
Opportunities to serve and to lead
        Openness to persons identifying as LGBTQ, and their households and communities

You can visit us virtually on YouTube at St. Brendan’s Juneau or on the St. Brendan’s Juneau Facebook Page!

Church Members 


St Brendan's is a member congregation of the Episcopal Diocese of Alaska and The Episcopal Church. We welcome all regardless of race, gender or ethnic identity. 

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